Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting ready for action

When it comes to computers and programs I am not the greatest, but I gave it a go :) For all the residents of Trinity College, here is a place where you can keep up to date with what community and environment events are happening around college especially under the 'Trinity events' page up the top. In the home page I will be blogging what I am learning about the environment and the community, updating you on our community and environment (C&E) meetings and how the events are going, ways we can get more involved in C&E inside the college and out, and if you have any requests, thoughts, ideas or general comments feel free to comment on what I write or else come visit me in bottom floor Cook 114, extension 514.

As a heads up Trinity will be starting up the C&E committee/group for anyone interested in getting more involved or bringing ideas to the table which you are more than welcome to join or simply come and have a listen. I love to bake so there will always be something sweet to keep our minds ticking over.

While the main events for trinity are so far listed until May these can change and more are likely to be added so keep an eye on them. Also we are working on making a community garden near the tennis court with flowers and vegetables when after all residents return in the next week. Keep this in mind as i would love to hear your thoughts on what you would like to put in the garden!

Throughout the year there are also various talks known as F-troop for anyone to attend. People talking include either residents or non-residents/people out in the local communities and have some great and inspiring stories to tell. The first one is on the 24th of March with guest speaker Ian Robertson from UWA. Another event we would like to get going throughout the semester is an inter-college energy and water challenge! This is food for thought at the moment but is something I am very keen to get underway with your help.

There are so many exciting events coming up for the semester and the year! Keep an eye on this site, the projector slide in the dining hall and announcements around college as these events you do not want to miss :)

Looking forward to meeting you all very soon!

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