Trinity Butterfly

Trinity; any combination or set of three things, three persons combined into one - also known as 'triunity'

Trinity College is one of 5 outstanding residential colleges of the University of Western Australia, Perth. Trinity lives up to its name and becomes a welcoming home for state, national and international residential students. The college places immense value on three key aspects of life - friendship, learning and growth and is the heart of the future.

University studies are a priority to the college as residents are part of the new frontier in the world. However, there is also a group of dedicated residents who make the college more than just a place to eat, sleep and study, but a home away from home where 350 residents become your extended family and your link to amazing college experiences you will never forget.

Experience and involvement in the community and environment is one such area becoming of great importance to residents and the world. Trinity college aims to take a stance for environmentally sustainable living, not only to protect our environment but to help assist ever increasing costs for residents as well. Community participation and awareness is also highlighted as residents have the unique opportunity to become involved in events such as the worlds greatest shave to raise money for the leukemia foundation, Australia's biggest morning tea to help fight against cancer, Take time to provide respite for children with disabilities and many more.

Unity is what is needed to make a difference in this world. One step at a time Trinity college is working together with communities to ensure this difference becomes a reality. With friendship, learning and growth we will lead each other and those around us to bring each of our butterfly effects together to create something grand!