About the Butterfly Effect

Have you ever watched a single drop of water break the stillness of a pond? something so simple causing a thousand ripples spreading in every direction. Similarly a butterfly with a single flap of its wings can create tiny changes to particles in the atmosphere, leading to a series of events which could ultimately cause, prevent or alter the path of a hurricane or tornado on the other side of the world.... The butterfly effect.

It is part of the chaos theory that complex and chaotic systems - those we encounter in nature and society - cannot accurately be predicted or exclusively controlled. Neither can rigid systems be easily budged. However, there's a loophole. What if we acted through the infinite tiny feedback loops that hold a society together? Chaos tells us that each one of us has an unrecognized but enormous influence on these loops. Chaos suggests that although we may not have power of the controller in the traditional sense, we all possess the "butterfly power" of subtle influence.

In this day and age too many people use the words 'me' or 'I' in everyday language. The basis behind each of our own hopes and goals we typically find an obsession with materials. Our daily lives involve taking the best action to bring us wealth in the form of houses, cars, technology and our status in society in regard to money. But how is this wealth? When all materials deteriorate what will we have left then? There is a saying that even the wealthiest man in the world will still be poor if he does not know love in any shape or form.

Martin Luther King Junior quotes that “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” We are living in a challenging time where our world is turning around. Rates of poverty are increasing, extreme weather conditions are causing peril to families and homes and taking innocent lives, animals are becoming extinct, rates of depression, suicide and other mental health problems are on the rise, countries are experiencing the obesity epidemic which if weren't for inequalities in poverty stricken countries may even be close to becoming a pandemic, you only need to turn on the news at night or even look around you to see these issues and challenges which are the result of our own actions or inactions.

Many turn a blind eye for reasons not fully understood. Either we cannot deal with the fact that it is our own selves who are shaping our world in this way, or we believe these issues are not an issue to us, or that someone else can deal with 'it', but the truth is, we are on this planet together as earth is everyones home. One single grain of rice can tip the scale, so we must ask ourselves, 'what can I do?.'

To help another, you also help yourself, and when you make steps to help the world remember it is your world and your home you are helping for you too. Simple steps are stepping stones to something great, snow flakes are one of natures most fragile creations, but just look what they can do when they stick together! If you were to ask me in my opinion 'how could i make a difference? what must i do to start?' I would tell you that actions speak louder than words, and we must start with our actions.

1. Love - whether you believe god created the world or there was a big bang, everything and everyone around us, everything which is a part of us and everything within us, embrace it with affection, warmth and gratitude, for everything in this life is valuable and has a purpose to us whether we realise it or not. How can you do this? Help a friend, family member or stranger for the good everyday in any way possible, look after your environment and animals around you, plant a tree and stand up for deforestation, volunteer at a nursing home or orphanage, say hello to your neighbour, support your local organisation such as the Salvation Army, help an elder cross the road, turn your hot water system into a solar system, turn off the TV and have dinner with the family, the list of possibilities are endless yet every action whether great or small showing some form of care and love will help shape our world in a more positive light for the future.

2. Respect - with love comes respect; knowing the worth of people and their qualities, nature and its every role in life. Treat everything as it were your own and everyone as they are you and of course respect yourself. Each and everyone of us has a great potential and purpose in this life which we may take a while to find through our journeys, but by being yourself and bringing your qualities to everything you do in a positive manner, you can be sure to get the most out of life and all you do while also placing yourself in a position to make a difference in the world. By recognising and respecting our individual traits, we give ourselves the opportunity to find these loopholes in society and create positive changes which can benefit ourselves, all those around us and the world.

3. Control - possible the greatest challenge in life is the exertion of control, over ourselves and particularly over our actions and thoughts. When to be silent, listen and follow is just as important as knowing when to speak and take a stand. When to take an action or when to wait for the opportune moment can be difficult but learnt throughout time and through communication. When to wait for others or when to go ahead yourself. Be aware of your surroundings at all times and look at the positive and negatives, the risks and benefits and weigh them up. What do you hope to bring about through acting? What is likely to happen if you don't just yet? But remember there are some things we cannot control, we are only human after all, and in these situations we must make do the best with everything we have and everything we can do.

4. Optimism - every journey has its rainbows and every mistake has its lessons to help create a better outcome in the future. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. How are we to know that vinegar is sour without tasting it first? Every speed bump and hurdle and wrong turn is one that make the journey all the more educational and effective in the long term. We  grow through realising our mistakes and evaluating them for next time. Do not be afraid of mistakes or go through tough times, they are inescapable as they shape us and define who we are by how we come out of them . A diamond is a chunk of coal made good under pressure and heat, to love is to risk not being loved in return, to hope is to risk pain, to try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. And remember, few things in the world are more powerful than positivity, a smile and a word of optimism and hope and you can do it when things are tough.

5. Dedication - it is not what others expect of you but what you can give to others, dreams and dedication are a powerful combination. Persistence is also with dedication and prevails when all else fails, never give up as the most certain way to succeed is to always try one more time, remember sometimes we must fail before we succeed. People can see dedication in one another, when you are dedicated you are hard working, enthused and persistence and argue your actions with a passion. Passion can bring the world to where we are now, but can also change the world for the future, know where your passion is taking you and if it is for the good, dedicate yourself to your passion and goals and you will get there.

6. Balance - life is a delicate balance. Between family, friends, work, hobbies, nature, exercise, while we make goals and dreams we must also take care of ourselves. Find 'you' time and take a break outside away from noise and stress, sit in a garden and take time to think. Eat well, sleep well, exercise well, think well and you will live well. When you live well, you can be in the best position to create and take opportunities to take the paths you choose to take and get the most out of them.

Stand up for what is true and stand up for what is right. Stand up for equality and respect not just for humankind, but for our environment as well, our health and our home. We are facing challenging times and now we are being measured. Make a difference in your world.

Here you can tell me your thoughts, what you have done, what you aim to do and share it with others, to help let everyone know how you and we can make a difference and where we need to take a stance. If you have started a going green in your home or work, volunteering for an organisation, helped a complete stranger for the good or if you believe we need to bring our attention to issues of social justice i'd love to hear from you. Add your thoughts, comments, beliefs and experiences here, lets bring each of our butterfly effects together and together we can accomplish more.