Tuesday the 22nd of Feb saw Trinity’s first Community and environment events get underway during O-week! The two were Cottesloe rehabilitation with Coastcare and a visit to Take Time in Willeton.
Cottesloe proved to be a great morning as residents lended a helping hand out at Vlamingh memorial by watering tiny seedlings to assist revegetation of the site. Residents also became aware of the endangered Weedy sea dragon which is being protected in the WA coast. After some rewarding rehabilitation work a trip to the beach was soon to follow. All those who joined in bought back to college a positive vibe and a hope for more rehabilitation work in the near future.
At the same time other residents where smiling, laughing, talking, creating and playing with adults with ongoing functional disabilities. All those who attended this trip to Take Time had a rewarding experience, it was hard to tell whether the smiles on faces were bigger in the Take Time group or us playing with them. From Uno, cards, guess who, puzzles, dominoes and giant connect four to a group game of bingo, every game was thoroughly enjoyed. Everyone is looking forward to Take Time’s visit to Trinity in the not too distant future with the promise of another morning of enjoyment for all involved.